Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Chris Hadfield: The Apollo Murders

In his debut fiction novel Chris Hadfield explores the power one can have if one controls Space:

The USSR were the first country to make it to space and ever since the USA knew that they needed to be the first ones to the moon. This was the creation of the Apollo program. But Space is not limited to just the Moon, and in 1973 the USSR launched a new satellite, one that could have deadly consequences for the USA and add a whole new aspect to their Intelligence gathering capabilities. Apollo 18 now has a new mission and that is to not only fly and land on the Moon but disrupt anything that the USSR may be doing in Space. But these order put the Countries against each other once again and with deadly consequences.
This is the first fiction book that Hadfield has written and I was a little worried going into it. Hadfield has a difficult job as he is an astronaut so he knows what he is talking about when it comes to most thins involved in space travel but he needs to make it understandable to the general public, so not too technical. I am happy to report that he succeed. I found when Hadfield was getting a bit technical that I wasn't understanding all the scientific terms, he some how was able to turn it around with a laymen explanation. Did this mean that information was imparted to the reader twice, Yes, but I did not find that this took away from the flow of the story, just helped me understand it better.
I mean really who doesn't like a good USA vs the USSR book. I love the spy game that is occurring within the book, and how each Country does have respect for the other one in whole scheme of things. And the things that are different in this book from what actually occurred at this time, feel real and could have actually happened. That is how well this book is written. And I appreciate at the end of the book that Hadfield saved me the Google search to determine which facts and people in the book are real and which are not.
I feel like character development started off well with Chaz but when more character POVs were added his character development went away as the focus became more on Chad (wish he would have picked a different name as it is close to Chaz). But we really do not get to know either character really well, mainly surface things, this is much more of a plot propelled book than a character one.
I really enjoyed this book and i think partly due to the fact that I do not read a lot of historical fiction or ones with a sci-fi / scientific twist. I look forward to reading another fiction book by Hadfield and I look forward to what he comes up with next.

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