Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sandra Brown: Mean Streak

New York Best Selling Author Sandra Brown is back with a novel that puts one women against everything she has ever believed in:

Dr. Emory Charbonneau is a well known pediatrician and philanthropist so when she goes missing while running in the mountains of North Carolina, people are not only concerned with her safety, but wonder why her husband took so long to report her missing. Emory wakes up in a strange place, with a strange head injury and a strange man. Emory is not sure what to make of her situation but she knows she is not going any where any time soon, even if she could. The mountain man has made it clear that she is not going anywhere. Emory needs to not only figure out this mountain man (curb her attraction towards him) so she can get away but also try to figure out who wants her dead. But nothing is ever simple in the mountain wilderness as mother nature and human nature tend to take over.

I think fans of Sandra Brown will enjoy this book as brown has a formula that she likes to use and she sticks to it in this book. This is probably why I only really read a book by her once a year. So basically those who like Browns' formula will like this book. If you are looking for something different from Brown then you will find this book pretty redundant. There have been books by Brown in the past that I found really engaging and wanting to know what the big twist is going to be or for the other shoe to drop (so to speak). However, I found that the big secret was nothing really so big or interesting, I was expecting more from Brown in this aspect.

I liked that Brown decided to have point of views from the three main characters, Emory, Jeff (her husband) and the mountain mystery man. I think the added a better view of what was going on in the story and these characters minds. I think the story would have suffered if it was only told from Emory's point of view. However, I never really felt anything towards the characters for the most part, well other than what an Ass Jeff was, but I found that the characters were secondary to the story and trying to figure out why the mountain man was so secretive. There are also come secondary points of view in the story but they are not constant through out but they do provide some additional information about the mountain man, which the story needed as Emory is not very good at being a detective and figuring things out.

While reading this book all I could think of was that Brown was trying to capitalize on Gillian Flynn's novel Gone Girl as there are some parallel themes with in this book, and not really any new ideas expressed here. However, this does not any where close a dark or suspenseful as Flynn's.

While not my favourite Brown read, this book was still able to keep me entertained and I do think that those who like Brown's formula will like this book. Though I do hope that one of these days Brown will create something new and really surprise me.

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