It was going to be a busy night for D.I. Kim Stone with the murder of a prostitute and Kim discovering an abandoned baby outside police headquarters. Then three more prostitutes are murdered in quick succession with each death more violent than the last. At the same time multiple women are coming forward claiming that the child is theirs, but things are not adding up as to why the baby was left where it was and something more sinister is afoot. Kim's team is going to be split up and bring the team in contact with some of the worst of the worst of humankind.
This was an interesting addition to the series and it is nice to see that Marsons has not yet run out of ideas as well as twists and turns. (I did not see the ones that happened at the end which is always a high point for me). Although the victim choice in this book may be typical of "these' type of mystery books, prostitutes; I like that Marsons added more background to their situations as to why and how the women became part of this type of lifestyle, adding more of a human factor to them instead of just a victim/body. It was also interesting how the baby aspect unfolded when all the pieces were there and it felt like a very real situation that probably happens more than we think.
I never thought that I would say this but there was a little bit too much of the secondary characters within this book that I felt that we didn't get as much face time with Kim. Kim is one of the main reasons that I read this series and while I like Stacey and Dawson as characters, their characters do not hold a light to Kim. I also want to see Kim advance more as a person and professionally. She has had some big strides within these books but I am wanting more from her so she does not begin to seem flat and predictable. Though I will say Kim with the baby and was pretty funny and the lack confidence her team have is also funny.
I always look forward to see what Marsons' can come up with next and each time her creativity surprises me. Seven books in and we have yet to have repeat plot or formula, so as long as Marsons keeps writing I'll keep reading.
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