Tuesday, July 18, 2023

T.J. Newman: Drowning

T.J. Newman takes readers on a flight across the Pacific Ocean that does not make its arrival destination:

Only a few minutes after takeoff Flight 1421 crashes into the Pacific Ocean. Though it may not have been in the air very long, the plane and passengers are in a lot of danger. During the evacuation of the plane an engine explodes covering the water with jet fuel and inferno is about to happen. Those still left on the plane make the decision to stay aboard, but as the plane starts to slowly think into the water, they have to ask themselves did the damn themselves to a slow death instead of a quick one.

This is the second book that I have read by Newman and I didn’t make the same mistake I did with the first one, actually reading it on a plane, not my smartest move I will admit. Though this book does have me appreciate even more the times that I was fortune enough to fly over the Ocean and make it from point A to Point B and back again. Personally, I enjoyed this book more that Newman's debut Falling as I felt like the stakes were higher in a way and you weren't quite sure who would survive. 

WOW this book was such a ride and you will go through a whole bunch of emotions throughout the book especially when you near the end of the book. You will 100% want to read this book in one sitting as it grabs you from the very beginning and won’t let you go. Newman does a great job of keeping you on the edge of your seat but at the same time keeping the story and events as plausible as possible. You can tell from her information she passes along in the book that she was a flight attendant before becoming an author

I like how there are dual POV one from the plane and one from the surface. I found this gave you a well-rounded story as well as detailing the struggles of each side of things as they try to figure out if they can get anyone out of the plane alive. I won’t lie, I totally was thinking about what I would do in that situations and I think that shows how well that Newman wrote the book. And while the book mainly focuses on the family, you feel for all the characters who are trapped in the plane and wonder who will get out alive.

This is the second book that I have read by Newman and this book was totally the thriller that I wanted it to be as it kept me on the edge of my seat. I don’t read many planes based/setting stories and I am here for what Newman is writing. I look forward to reading the next book and plane scenario that Newman comes out with.


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