Monday, July 8, 2024

Kristen Ciccarelli: Heartless Hunter

In the first in a new series Kristen Ciccarelli shows the length a woman will go to, to protect witches:

When the revolution hit against witches, Rune's grandmother knew she had to do everything in power to protect Rune. This is why she sacrificed herself, and ever since that day Rune has made it her mission to save as many witches as she can, so she has become the Crimson Moth. Gideon loathes witches, no only for the harm that was done to humans but to his family as well. He will do everything in his power to catch them and put away the Crimson Moth who foils him over and over again. When evidence shows a connection to Rune, he decides that he must get close to her to figure out her connection, this works to Rune's advantage as well as she needs the information Gideon holds as witch hunter. Let the cat and mouse games begin.

This is the first book that i have read by Ciccarelli and i thoroughly enjoyed this book. I enjoyed the cat and mouse aspect that Ciccarelli uses throughout the book and it goes to the bitter end. Was the cat and mouse game original or the enemies to loves trope original, No, but I enjoyed the twist that Cicarelli took along the way as well as how she laid out the plot. I did not expect some things that happened at the end, total cliffhanger and you’ll feel the need to pick up the next book.

I loved that this book was a dual POV of both Rune and Gideon. I feel like it gave both sides of the story for the witch and the human and how they perceive and want to use each other. You get the sense at times that they are both right and are doing what they believe is right not only for themselves but everyone in the kingdom as well. I feel like you can feel the relationship between Rune and Gideon and the struggles they have internally about liking each other. And this is could only be achieved with a dual POV.

Some reviewers are getting mad about Rune using period blood to cast her spells need to get over themselves. Yeah, it may be gross, but I see it more as resourceful and doing what she needs to do not only to survive but to help other witches. Especially as blood is needed for any type of magic that witches use and that by using the magic it causes a sliver scar to occur so there is no may to hide what has been done. Additionally, I like that there was a price for how the blood is not only affects the magic but the magic user as well.

I know that this book deals with witches and blood magic but at the same time the world building is lacking in places, and it takes a bit to realize how Gideon and other people without powers have gotten to this place in the world. I just wish there was a little more at the beginning to explain other than witches are bad and need to be hunted down and killer. 

Personally, I loved this book and cannot wait for the next one. Highly recommend this book for people who love witch books as well as an enemies to lovers trope.


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