Saturday, September 5, 2015

Author Interview & Giveaway: Sean Black

I have had the pleasure to read two books from Sean Black so far, both from different series, Lock Down and POST. Both are great action adventure / thriller reads with something for everyone and are great starts to both series. For me POST was able to  really draw me in with Black use of the topic of PTSD and I am very excited for the release of the second book in the series, Blood Country.

Please Welcome to Blood Rose Books Today

If there was one author you could co-write a novel with (they can be alive or dead) who would you choose and why? I'd have to say Rebecca Cantrell as I have a new series out on October 29th that I am in fact co-authoring with Rebecca. She also co-authors with James Rollins so that tells you how great she is to work with. The series we're writing together is about a former child star turned private detective, Sofia Solgado, who works for a detective agency in Malibu. The first book is called 
"A" is for Asshat and it's very much in the Janet Evanovich mold of character-driven mystery with some humor.

You were inspired to start writing you Ryan Lock series based up an intensive body guarding course, what were the key aspects you learned in your training that you knew had to be part of Lock’s skill set?
More than specific aspects I think what I gained from training as a close protection operative was the mindset, which for high-end work is very unique.

Your debut novel, Lock Down would fall into the thriller/action adventure genres which can be a hard genre to get a following, how do you think that your novels differ from other authors within this genre?
That's tough because there are so many great writers working in the thriller/action genres. Maybe where the Lock books are a little different from most is in the black humor between my two main characters. That really comes from the research because the people who do the job in real life tend to have a slightly warped sense of humor. They need it to be able to deal with some of the less savory aspects of human nature that they come into contact with.
What do you think would be the hardest or most challenging genre to write a novel in and why?
Thrillers are tough because everything has to make sense and serve a function. That said, I have tremendous admiration for romance writers. It's a much maligned genre but I think that they are some of the smartest, most savvy writers we have. They know how to keep readers happy and that's the name of the game.

You have recently started writing a second series, what is it about a writing a series appeals to you compared to stand alone novel?
Readers love series and I love keeping readers engaged. I will however be tackling some standalone works over the next few years.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has been making headlines for a few years now as the psychological affects become more and more apparent with soldiers and front line workers. Did you write Post to bring more awareness to PTSD? What type of research did you complete in order to ensure that the symptoms that Tibor was going through were accurate?
PTSD and mental health in general is something that interests me. The research for Post involved a huge amount of reading and talking to people.

If you had a chance to have Lock and Tibor go against each other, who do you think prevail?
Probably Byron Tibor because his abilities go beyond human. He's also a much darker character with less boundaries than Ryan Lock so that's where my money would be.

Do you have any information on upcoming works or events that you are able to share?
Between October and February 2016 I have FIVE books out. The second Byron Tibor novel, Blood Country, can be pre-ordered now and will be out early in early October. At the end of October the first book with Rebecca Cantrell will be out, and it's called "A" is for Asshat. Then we'll have books B,C and D out in November, December and February. And if people want a free ebook they can sign up for my mailing list at and I'll send them a free Lock novel.

What is one book (other than one of your own) that you think everyone should read?
Great question. So many to choose but the last book I really devoured was The Cartel by Don Winslow. Basically anything by Don Winslow is going to be fantastic.

Thanks for the opportunity to appear on your blog.

I want to say Thank You once again to Sean Black for being part of my Blogoversary and I am looking forward to check out the additional books in his Lock and Tibor series and well with five books coming out in five months that is a lot of reading to look forward to. Sean has very kindly offered a giveaway to go along with his interview of 5 ebook copies of Blood Country which is the second book in his Byron Tibor series, so make sure to enter the rafflecopter link below. Once again THANK YOU SEAN!

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