A.J. Myrfield
Is there a book, author, story or person that inspired you to become a writer?
With her new books that have come out she decided to write them under a different pen name. I’m just speculating but I assume she did that to see if people really enjoyed her new stories. She wanted to see if she could sell them without her famous name on them. Again this is just speculating but like I said she inspires me.
What have learned about yourself since you started writing?
That I can do anything I put my mind too. I am dyslectic and I was lucky to pass English in High school. I do not have a degree in English or anything that has to do with writing, yet I have written and published 2 books. Anyone can do anything if you put your mind to it.
What has been your biggest challenge as an indie author?
Learning the publishing process. As you know we had an editing issue with the first print of book one. I was truly embarrassed with all of the “typos” and spelling mistakes in it. I’ve learned that I need more then one editor to look over my work and I personally read over it word for word to hold myself accountable too. Never assume something is perfect or will be done properly. It is my name on the book everyone holds me accountable.
You work in law enforcement, was writing this book a release for you as it covers some very intense, dark and disturbing topics?
Yes. Some of the stuff I deal with in Law enforcement makes me very angry. Five years ago I started writing for a release. I was angry with our court system and how victims were treated. You will see how I feel throughout my series.
What do you think would be the hardest or most challenging genre to write a novel in and why?
Any Non-Fiction book – Due to the amount of research that you would have to put into it. You would want everything to be backed up by the proper facts.
The Dagger of Souls is a very dark themed novel what appeals to you about the dark and disturbing aspects of human nature?
I write about what happens in real life with a mix of fantasy. When I go to work I see the dark and disturbing aspects of human nature. I deal with it every day. I write for a release but I also write for
the victims I deal with.
Everyone in the world focus’s on the Criminal. When you read the news paper they follow the criminals trail and talk about what crime he/she committed. But no one talks about the victim. No one knows that many victims have to go through years of therapy or take medication just to fall asleep at night. They don’t know about the nightmares that haunt them in their sleep or the flashbacks that harass them when they are awake.
People don’t know what kind of strength it takes to survive the dark and disturbing aspects of humanity. With my books I want to show them what kind of strength victims need to have to survive.
Did you want to use your novel to bring some of the hard topics (those not always discussed like bullying, racism, at home family violence and suicide) to the forefront, that yes these still do occur?
Yes – As mentioned above I plan to use these books to show the world what people go through everyday. Its time to remember the victims, support them, and help them. It’s time for Criminals to accept responsibility for their actions and no longer be the highlight of the news. (Don’t know if that’s possible but its worth a try)
Since is it a main theme within your novel, and really precedes many of the main events within The Dagger of Souls, “When you look in the mirror, what do you see?” Do you think this type of self reflection is important as both a teenager and an adult?
Yes – Before you can love who you are you need to know who you are. If you don’t like what you see (and I don’t mean your reflection) then you need to change it. We all need to love ourselves inside before we can even work on the outside. We are all meant for something important in this world we just need to believe in ourselves so we can achieve what we thought was impossible.
Do you have any information on upcoming works or events that you are able to share?
The Dagger of Souls – The Rise of Inferno, which is book two in the series of 6, is in the printing process. We will have the books in Alberta in NOV. I will be doing numerous signings throughout NOV and all will be posted on my web page lovelightcreations.com. They will also be posted on The Dagger of Souls facebook page.
I am in the process of writing book three. This book is called The Dagger of Souls - A Krac of Static. This book will focus on Hate Crimes, Sexual Assault, and as always Self Esteem.

What is one book on your shelf that you cannot wait to read (can either be a new or old favorite).
I would really like to read the series The City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare. I enjoy the supernatural and any book that brings me out of the real world.
I want to thank A.J. for stopping by with her interview and giving some insight to her experiences as a writer and an indie author. Make sure to enter the rafflecopter giveaway below (Open INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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