This is the second book in Jones' Sunshine series,, and you will want to read the first book in the series A Bad Day for Sunshine, as there is a case that goes across both books as well as establishes the relationship between the characters.
In the second book in this series, Jones shows that no day is easy for Sheriff Vicrim and that Chardonnay should never be to far away:
Ever since moving back home and becoming the Sheriff of the the town, all she wants is one day to be easy going and end with a date with a fun guy, or The guy that she has been pining for since she was a teenager. Instead she finds herself dealing with a bar fight that has gone seriously wrong, her daughter deciding to hunt serial killers, a racoon and receiving new information about her abduction that occurred when she was younger. To top all of that off, her first case as a detective, that of a missing kid, has come back into the spotlight and Sunshine is determined to have a different outcome this time. Sunshine is due for a day off and some wine.
I really enjoyed this book and I personally found this book more funny that the first one as this one had me laughing out loud at times, especially involving the racoon and again when Sunshine and Quincy try some new um things. I think that Jones has found a good way to mix the seriousness of the investigations that Sunshine is undertaking with humour to lighten things up. The mystery in the book is pretty straight forward, I still found that I was interested in the story and I appreciate that Jones had three separate mysteries in the book to keep it interesting. I like that for the most part
I think one of the reason that I enjoyed this book more than the first book as I found that there was less Auri parts which I appreciated. And really other than Auri constantly sneaking out she seemed a bit more mature in this book, which would also make sense from the events from the first book. I also like how Cruz and Auri's relationship is developing and the best way I can describe it is cute and intense at the same time.
I am really enjoying this series as it is a lighter read than what I normally read and I appreciate the characters that Jones has created in this book as well as the easy ability she has to combine humour and mysteries. I look forward to reading the next book in the series when it comes out.