Sunday, July 14, 2024

Alex Finlay: If Something Happens to Me

Alex Finlay is back and this time not all is what it seems:

Ryan thought he had found the love of his life, Ali, and her piercing screams still haunt him at night. The only thing that Ryan saw was a man missing his pinky fingers before he receives a crushing blow to the head. No on believes his story, even though there is no evidence but with a good lawyer he is not charged. 5 years later while in Italy, Ryan swears he sees the same man again, back home Ali’s vehicle is recovered in a lake and there are two dead men inside and a very cryptic message. This prompts the police department to reopen Ali’s case and it is assigned to a young detective and what she finds out is truly shocking.

I have read most of Finlay's books so far and what I appreciate is that he has not repeated himself in content or formula, that is a great author make. This book had me hooked from the beginning, there is something about the start of this book that just drew me in and I needed to know what had happened.

You will have to be okay with multiple POV and locations to enjoy reading this thriller, for me I enjoy this type of format so I was able to sink into it. I was able to figure out some of the twists but not all. You may think that a few POV are way out there, but do not fret, Finlay is able to bring it all together.

I think the characters I enjoyed the most were Poppy and Sophia. I think that either could have their own spin off series in a way, especially with the skills that Poppy picked up in the military and the one that Sophia has had to acquire over time, just by what has happened in their life. I think there will be times when one is confused about how all of the POV are related to each other, keep going it will all makes sense and I think n that Finlay does a good job bringing it all together.

Online bullying is no joke, and you always hope that things will change, but i think that the incidents that Finlay has occur in this book are true of now and it is sad that after everything they are still occurring.

Another great novel from Finlay, and I think one of my favourites by him. I love how all his books are different but have some similar threads. If you are looking for a high paced thriller, then make sure to pick this one up.

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