Please Welcome to Blood Rose Books Today:
Emily Goodwin

Co-writing with GRR Martin would be an
experience, that’s for sure! I’m a fan of HEAs and love stories, and he’s,
well, not LOL. It’d be so interesting to see what we’d come up with together.
In your Contagium series, it is all about
fighting off the living dead, or otherwise known as Zombies. Zombies have
become the new Vampire or werewolf (everywhere you look there is a new Zombie
novel/TV show/movie out there) in the horror, paranormal and urban fantasy
genres, why do you think that zombies have become so popular? What about the
zombie apocalypse appealed to the writer in you?

What do you think takes a book from just a good scare or thriller to a horror novel? Are there certain elements that you think need to be there to classify a book into the horror genre?
I think that’s a tough thing to categorize,
because what scares one person doesn’t scare another. I never intended to write
“horror novels” when I wrote the Contagium books, which is very surprising to a
lot of people. I do think one thing thrillers and horror novels alike need is unpredictability and knowing that no one
is actually safe—the book world of a horror novel is just as dangerous as it’s
real life counter part and anyone can die at any moment.
You began writing your novels in the UF /
Horror genres with you Contagium series, Guardian series and Beyond the Sea
series but you have most recently released a novel in a contemporary genre,
with your novel Stay. What inspired you to change genres?
I’ve always written a romance story in a certain setting (paranormal,
mermaid/under the sea, post apoc…) and I just go where my muse takes me. I was
a little intimidated by the contemporary genre before, but when the idea for
Stay hit me, I couldn’t NOT think about it. The characters begged to be written
about, and I ended up loving that book so much. I don’t like to label myself as
a genre writer, other than saying all my books will feature some sort of
romance because I’m a hopeless romantic at heart.
What do you think would be the hardest or
most challenging genre to write a novel in and why?
Anything historical would be the hardest, and I have to give so much
credit to those who write in that genre. There is a lot of fact-checking and
making sure you get things right for the time period.
I really enjoyed your novel Stay, it had me
hooked from the first few pages, however, Stay has been described as being in
several different genres, Dark Romance, Erotica and from me personal
contemporary thriller and these titles can affect who picks up your book to
read it. What genre do you believe that your novel Stay belongs in? Were you
surprised to find out that Stay has been banned not once by twice?

I spoke with FBI agents from
my area who’s focus was on busting human trafficking operation and did a lot of
reading on the subject from survivors of trafficking and from organizations
that help victims. It’s scarily shocking to know how common this is, especially
now that I have a daughter and another on the way!
All of your novels within each series have
some dark aspects and elements not just in human nature but dark themes as
well, what appeals to you about writing about the darker side of things?

Do you have any information on upcoming
works or events that you are able to share?
Yes! My next book is called Never Say Never, and is my favorite book
I’ve ever written! It’s a raw, emotional NA romance about finding your own
happiness and second chances.

The entire Harry Potter series. If you haven’t read these books, I don’t know how you are functioning in life. It’s more than just fantasy. The books cover so much, from friendship to doing the right thing instead of the easy thing. I really think all the books should be required reading in school!
I want to say Thank You once again to Emily for being part of my blogoversary. Today is actually the release day of her latest novel NEVER SAY NEVER and Emily has very kindly offered up a giveaway (INT) for her newest release, so make sure to enter the rafflecopter gieaway below.