Friday, September 27, 2024

J.D. Barker: The Fourth Monkey

The first in a series, J.D. Barker gives new meaning to See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil:

Det. Sam Porter receives a phone call that he never thought that he would, the 4MK killer is dead. As the lead detective on the task force, Porter knows that he has to go to the scene and Porter knows that even in death he is going to cause problems. He has a victim that is still missing and within the 4MK's pocket is a dairy that unravels the twisted history of them. Porter hopes that understanding the killer will help him find the missing, victim but time is running out for that has been done to the victim is not something one can survive.

WOW, I do not know why I slept on this book for so long, but I totally regret it as this book was simply fantastic, and one of my favourite reads this year. This book 100% lives up to its hype, and I think more people should read this book, and I will keep recommending this book. It grabs ahold of you from the very beginning and never lets you go. I mean how can you not be hooked when the beginning starts with the death of a serial killer that our lead detective has been chasing for 5 years.

This book is dark and descriptive when it comes to the bodies found and how the victim dies and who the killer chooses as a victim is just downright disturbing. This book had the mystery and thrills that I look for in these types of books. Barker knows how to flirt with the line that takes this book from thriller to horror and I am here for it.

I really enjoyed that Barker included a POV from the killer in this book, even if it is in dairy form from when the killer was a young boy. This gave an insight in where they came from and the whole idea of nature vs nurture aspect of creating a serial killer.

I love that the main detective, Porter, he is very real and is not made pretty by the book but just an old grizzled detective who is great at what he does. Porter just feels real throughout the book, from what he is dealing with the case, as well as in his personal life. Porter and his partner Nash, have a really good rapport with each other and it does add some comedic relief in the book. I like how Porter treats his teammates and does what he thinks is best for the team, investigation and the victim have been taken.

Barker keeps the reader guessing throughout the book and I will completely admit that I did not see all the twists coming in both the present time as well as the diary one. This made me turn the pages faster and faster as I got further and further into this book.

I was so engrossed I did not want to put it down, and I don’t think that you will want too either. I highly recommend this book if you like mystery, thriller books with serial killers. I can't wait to read the next book in the series.


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