Sunday, September 22, 2024

Carissa Broadbent: The Serpent & the Wings of Night

The first book in a series, Carissa Broadbent pits a lone human against the vampires in the fight for one wish:

Oraya is the adoptive daughter of the Nightborn Vampire King and while she has carved out some sort of existence surrounded by Vampires, she wants more. Her only chance is to enter the Kejari, a tournament where the winner is granted one wish by The Goddess of Death. Oraya knows that to stay alive she cannot trust anyone but herself but she needs allies as well. Raihn is not only ruthless and dangerous but a threat to her father’s crown as he from a different vampire kingdom. Oraya will be pushed past her limits, past her guards but she must always remember to guard her most important thing, her heart.

This is the first book that I have read by Broadent and I personally think that this book deserves the bype that it has received. You will want to make sure that you are able to dedicate some time to this book as I bet that you are going to want to read it in one sitting. This book grabs you from the beginning and takes you on a great ride. 

I loved the games and trails (though I thought they felt over a bit too quickly for me, I wanted more of that action). I loved the relationships that were formed and the heartbreak that occurs not only to the main character but side/enemy characters as well as more people die in the trials and awaiting the next game. I acutally thought this book would be a bit darker than it was, though carnage is there, it was either over really quickly or not expanded upon.

I like both main characters, but I am sure that I am not the only one who wished to have a POV from Raihn. I understand why there is not but man i wish i could have known what he was thinking for quite a bit of the book. Oraya and Raihn are very similar characters, and probably why they butt heads alot, they are determined and know what it means to fight to survive.

We have shiny vampires in this book but damn are they ruthless. The maiming of their children so that they are unable to take their place at head of the family is just dark and the whole idea of when one Vampire line is in control the others all suffer. Also human are basically cattle in this book, they are needed to stay alive but that is about it so they suffer deplorable conditions and situations.

I was able to predict the twist at the end (I actually thought it was a bit obvious but that may just be me) but this did not make me enjoy the book anyless, especally what happens right before things are revealed and after. I would have like some sort of backstory as to what started the games, as we know the games represent trials that God went through but why did she start the games? Was it jsut to ensure there was always a way to transfer power from one Vampire Type to another? I guess more world build a bit and information would have been nice.

This book was great and with the ending how can one not pick up the next book in the series. I know I cannot resist. Highly recommened if you like vampire with bite, games/trails and fantasy.

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