Monday, June 24, 2024

Jenna Levine: My Roommate is a Vampire

In her debut novel, Jenna Levine shows what happens when the rents seems too good to be true:

Cassie loves being an artist, but her form of art is not something that everyone understand and is not as commercial as a lot of artist out there and making a living as an artist is tough enough. When she is no longer able to pay her rent, she is out of options, she needs to find a cheaper place to live and when she finds an ad for a place, the price tag must mean there is something wrong with it. But it is what she can afford. Her new roommate keeps a very late night schedule and they will rarely see each other, and when he starts leaving Cassie notes as wat of communication she cant help but sigh for a bit. His words shows he cares and is interested in her, but when Cassie discovers bags of blood in the fridge she knows not all is what it should be. 

Well this book falls into the category of Super cute with vampires that have some powers, some strange ones at that and they are for sure the sparkle vampires from the early 2000. There is nothing in this book that remotely presents them as scary being so if that is what you are looking for, then just skip this one.

I feel like this book is an ode to the love letter and honestly this was probably my favourite part of the book. People don’t take the time to write each other notes, hell even emails anymore that I loved that Levine used notes on the kitchen counter between the two as the way that Cassie and Freddie got to know each other.

I think that this book needed more from Freddie's POV from this book, it was very much dominated by Cassie's and it felt like they only got the same amount of book time in regards to than the letters that they share from each other. With Cassie's POV and her struggles that she is constantly going through in order make her way in the world. Cassie struggles with confidence both in her personal life and in her passion of Art. I enjoyed going through Cassie finding her confidence in this book and I think lots of people can relate what she has gone through but for the relationship between Cassie and Freddie's it just fell a bit flat at times and struggled to get past the love letters. I did find Freddie's fish out of water antics pretty funny with him trying to adjust to the modern world from what wi-fi is to social media.

 This book was pretty anticlimactic in the end, I didn’t feel the suspense when I feel like Levine wanted me too. I think if Levine was going to have the events that occurred in this book she needed to do more for the reader to feel like there is actually that there is concern and that things are not going to work out. I feel like it came out of nowhere and was a complete plot change from what the book was before.

So this was a cute book that was good. I think you can tell it was a debut especially when Levine kind of switch up the plot when nearing the end. I think lots will enjoy this cute, sweet and little spicy book.


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