Thursday, January 28, 2021

Lisa Jewell: Invisible Girl

Lisa Jewell takes readers to a street where nothing is as it seems and the disappearance of a girl is about to occur:  

Saffyre has seen more tragedy than most girls her age, which leads her into therapy with Roan. But Roan has decided that after three years, their therapy sessions need to come to an end. Saffyre does not think that this should occur, she forms an obsession of Roan, wanting to follow him, still have a connection with him. This leads her to his street where he lives, seeing his family, his life, his lies. All is not well on the street where Roan and his family currently live. Owen lives across the street from Roan and his family. Owen is a loner, lives with his aunt, and has been accused of sexual misconduct at his work. The stage is set for tragedies to occur, but what truth is the correct one? Are perceptions always what they seem? And what happened to Saffyre?

I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority of this one but I was bored throughout this book. I just felt like nothing was happening or there was this big build up to finding out what happened to Saffyre but it just seemed like it was taking forever to get there.

I mean I finished the book so that is something but it was a stretch to do so. I kept hoping that it would get better but it never did. I see Jewel’s name constantly and how great her books are. This is the first book I have read by her so maybe there is a better one out there but this one just didn’t work for me.

I like that there were three POV, with two been in the present and one in the past. I don’t mind books where the past voice is slowly getting closer to the present time. I feel like this normally adds to the suspense within this book. I also liked that two voices in the present were very different from each other and each added something to the story. I found Saffyre’s parts (past POV) a little disjointed and not sure why we needed so much detail from her.

I just found that that this book was predictable and nothing truly happens, so overall I felt there was a lack of suspense in the book, when I knew there was supposed to be some. I’m hoping someone can recommend another Jewel book for me, as for as often as I see Jewel’s name I feel like this book did not do her justice.

Instead of This,
Check These Books Out:


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